Must-try foods in every host city for Euro 2024 in Germany

You can pick up some currywurst on your way to the stadium if you’re heading to Berlin for the final.

Germany boasts a varied culinary landscape, with each host city offering a unique local dish that is sure to satisfy your taste buds. So, as you embark on your journey to Euro 2024 this summer, be sure to indulge in some delicious and authentic German cuisine along the way. Whether you’re traveling through the Bavarian Alps or the Westphalian lowlands, you won’t have to worry about where to find the best local food – we’ve got you covered.

1. Berlin – Currywurst

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Regarded as the epitome of Berlin’s culture, this street food is comprised of steamed and fried pork sausage, cut in half and garnished with a curry-infused ketchup. Typically served with a bread roll or French fries, it is poised to become a standout culinary sensation at Euro 2024.

2. Dortmund – Pfefferpotthast

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Challenging to articulate, yet visually appealing, this traditional Westphalian stew embodies the robust culinary tradition of the region. Made with beef and onions, it is typically accompanied by a side of bread or potatoes. The dish adds a flavorful kick to your meals with its generous pepper seasoning, and is perfect for enjoying during Germany’s mild summers, especially in Dortmund where temperatures rarely exceed 23 degrees.

3. Hamburg – Labskaus

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Hamburg, a port city with a rich maritime heritage, has a long-standing tradition of Labskaus, a hearty dish designed to withstand extended sea voyages. This flavorful combination of pickled herring, fried eggs, potatoes, beetroot, and corn offers a satisfying and savory meal that has even made its way into upscale culinary establishments in recent years.

4. Frankfurt – Grüne Soße (Green Sauce)

During the summer season, when you prefer lighter meals, consider opting for a refreshing Grüne Soße instead of the typical Frankfurter Würstchen. This dish features sour cream combined with seven different fresh herbs such as sorrel, chives, and barnet. It is commonly accompanied by potatoes and boiled eggs.

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5. Munich – Schweinshaxe (Pork knuckle)

If you find yourself in Munich, it is essential to indulge in Schweinshaxe to truly experience the city. This traditional Bavarian roasted dish is prepared using the succulent portion of the leg just below the knee of the pig. During Oktoberfest, it becomes an absolute must-have, boasting a delectably crispy and crackling skin, while the meat itself remains juicy and tender, having been slow-cooked to perfection.

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6. Lepizig – Eierschecke

The pastry has not been overlooked! Lepizig is renowned for its specialty cake, featuring a layer of quark-based cheesecake in the middle and a vanilla custard topping. Its substantial appearance is attributed to the glaze made from a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and cream. This delectable treat is a beloved tradition in Saxony and Thuringia, symbolizing the region’s fondness for luscious, custard-filled desserts.

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7. Stuttgart – Maultaschen

Stuggart’s mouth-bags are a type of sizable dumpling pasta that is stuffed with smoked meat, spinach, onions, minced meat, and seasoned with herbs and spices. According to legend, these were invented by monks who sought to hide meat consumption during Lent, a period when eating meat was prohibited. They are also referred to as the Swabian ravioli.

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8. Cologne – Rheinischer Sauerbraten

The distinct taste of this slow-cooked roast comes from being marinated in wine for multiple days. While it was traditionally made with horse meat in Cologne, nowadays it is commonly prepared with beef. The sauce that complements the meat can have a sweet flavor from sugar beet syrup, apple sauce, or gingerbread.

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9. Düsseldorf – Senfrostbraten

Düsseldorf’s specialty is a mustard roast consisting of a rump steak prepared with a special mustard crust, which owned Düsseldorf its reputation as the “Mustard City”. It’s a hearty meat dish best had with a local Atbier beer, a copper-coloured Rhineland brew.

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10. Gelsenkirchen – Himmel und Erde

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Himmel und Erde – literally Heaven and Earth – is a traditional meal from Germany’s industrial Ruhr region. It’s prepared with applesauce (the “heaven”) and mashed potatoes (the “earth”) with an abundant touch of fried onions and pudding.